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Britt Mathwich
Associate Professor of Business, Hospitality Management
Yen-Sheng Lee
Assistant Professor of Business, Finance
Suzanne Owens-Ott
Interim Department Head of Business & Professor of Accounting
Kyle Stone
Professor of Business
Richard Vail
Professor of Business
Johnny Snyder
Professor of Computer Information Systems, Study Abroad Coordinator
Sarah Lanci
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, CMU
Scott Kessler
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Erin Donovan
Director of Nursing Education Programs
Ann Gillies
Associate Professor of Teacher Education
Melissa Connor
Professor of Forensic Anthropology
John Seebach
Associate Professor of Archaeology
Suzie Garner
Professor of Art
Carlos Baldo
Associate Professor of Management
Douglas O'Roark
Professor of History
Nathan Perry
Professor of Economics
Tevfik Demirciftci
Assistant Professor of Hospitality Management
Tyler Liff
Instructor of Business
Nick Bardo
Associate Professor and Academic Department Head of Teacher Education
Holly Buglewicz
Instructor of Communication Studies
Eric Elliott
Department Head, Associate Professor of Art - Painting and Drawing
Kristen McGee
Lecturer of Business and Internship Coordinator