Continuing students are allowed to live in any of the apartment style halls as well as Rait Hall.
Selection start times are assigned based on students' room selection application submission time and their exemption status.
If you selected a room by mistake, stop by our office or give us a call at 970.248.1536 and we can switch you to a different open room.
If you missed your time, no worries! You have from your selection time until March 14th at 4pm to select a room. If you do not select a room by that time, we will place you in a hall based on your living requests and what is available.
Students who mutually request each other as roommates will be placed in a roommate group, and will be assigned the same Room Selection time. Any student in the roommate group will be able to select room assignments for everyone in the group when the group's selection time begins.
Only one student needs to select room assignments for all students in the group, and must place all roommates in the group into a room.
Only suites and apartments that will fit the entire roommate group will display in the room selection process. Spaces with less available beds than students in your group will not show as available.
There are eligibility requirements for some halls.
- Orchard Apartments has a GPA requirement of 2.5 or higher
- Only second year and up students are eligible to live in the apartment-style halls
- Only first year students are eligible to live in Bunting Hall, Grand Mesa Hall, Lucero Suites, Monument Hall, Pinon Hall, Tolman Hall, and Wingate Hall.
There are multiple reasons why you may not see one of your top three living requests on the lists of rooms to select when your timeslot opens:
- Your roommate group is larger than any available spaces left in the room selection process. For example, if you are in a roommate group of 4 people, but there are no longer suites or apartments available with 4 or more beds, it will appear that there are no rooms available. (Roommate groups have the option to split up to fill smaller spaces)
- The halls you requested are full. If the buildings you requested are not showing up as options when you go to select a room, there may not be any open beds left in those buildings.
- You are not eligible to select a bed in the building you are requesting, or a person in your roommate group is not eligible. If one person in your roommate group is not eligible for a hall, that hall will not show up on the list for anyone in the group to select.
Roommate matching is limited to groups of six. Students are not required to create a roommate group that fills all beds within a room or apartment.
Students are asked to select their top three living requests when submitting a Room Selection Application. These living requests do not increase your likeliness of getting a particular room style, or guarantee you a bed in that hall/room style.
Students who know who they want to live with for the 2025-2026 academic year can form roommate groups in Maverick Housing.
- Login to Maverick Housing using MAVzone credentials and complete the Standard Application
- Complete a Roomate Matching Questionnaire (inside the Standard Application)
- All roommates must appy, create a profile, and request each other to be part of the roommate group
All students will have access to My College Roomie and the option to form roommate groups until 11:59pm March 7th. Roommate requests submitted after March 7th at 11:59pm will not be granted. Only mutually requested roommates will be assigned the same selection time.
Students are not required to form roommate groups to fill an entire room, suite, or apartment. Students have the option to participate in Room Selection individually.
If you are part of a roommate group and would like to remove yourself from the group, please contact Residence Life at 970.248.1536.
Incoming and transfer students complete a different application process for housing than continuing residents, and often do not meet the eligiblity requirements of the rooms available for continuing residents to select during Room Selection.
Residence Life will review requests to live with an incoming freshmen or transfer student on a case-by-case basis, depending on availability and eligibility. If you are interested in living with an incoming freshmen or transfer student, contact Residence Life.
Students that would like to request moving to a different room may add themself to a waitlist beginning March 11th, 2024 at 9am. Students must select a room before adding themself to a waitlist. Waitlist will be available in MyHousing on the Room Selection tab. Two waitlists are available to all students - a single room waitlist and double room waitlist. Students may add themself to one or both waitlists.