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Email Templates for Student and Faculty Communication

How to Create an Outlook Email Template

Start of Term DRA Conversation Template:

Consider using the following as a guideline for sending an email to professors at the start of a term. Be sure to remove the alternative sentence and customize the bolded areas before sending it to any professor. If you need any assistance starting the conversation with your professors please contact EAS to set up a meeting.

To: Instructor Email

Subject: DRA Agreement – [Course]

Dear Professor [Name],

I have been approved for disability-related absence (DRA) accommodation in your [add course name and meeting]. To maintain the integrity of your course, I would like to have a discussion with you to establish some expectations.

Based on my understanding of your syllabus, I know attendance [is or is not] required. I also know that all students are currently allowed [number] of absences per the syllabus. [Alternative: I don’t know how many absences you allow for all students in your class can you please let me know?]

What I need to know from you:

  • How many additional absences can you provide for my disability-related absence accommodation?
  • How much extra time will you provide for turning in any missed work during my DRA?
  • How would you like me to turn in any missed work during my DRA?

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions about this accommodation, please contact EAS.


[Student Full Name]


Using DRA Notification Template:

Students should send an email as soon as they are safely able to, to both the professor whose class you are using a DRA in as well as EAS. Here is a model email that the student can customize the bolded information. No additional information needs to be added unless the student wishes to communicate further about a particular assignment or exam. The student should continue to stay in contact with the professor to meet deadlines for any missed class due to a DRA.

To: Professor Email; [email protected]

Subject: DRA – [course]

Dear Professor [Name],

I need to use a DRA for [insert date] in your [course]. I would appreciate any communication you can provide for what I miss if it is not already on D2L. I will turn in any missed work within the expected time frame per our initial DRA agreement. Thank you for your support and understanding.


[Student Full Name]