Registration can be done through the Registration website, IRIS, the Registrar's Office, Montrose Office, or CMU Tech Student Services. Click here for online registration instructions. Be sure to take care of any registration holds prior to your registration date.
If only away for one semester (Fall or Spring), complete the Stop Out Hold Override eform. If away for one year, simply fill out the Returning Student Application online. Once the application has been processed, you can register through MAVzone, IRIS, the Registrar's Office, Montrose Office, or CMU Tech Student Services. Click here for online registration instructions.
Students are responsible for learning the requirements of their degree. This can be done by using the following resources:
- University Catalog - The University Catalog contains graduation information which includes the essential learning lists. The catalog also includes course descriptions which list the pre-requisite/co-requisite information.
- Program Sheet - A program sheet lists all the classes you need for your majors/minors. The program sheet you use for graduation depends on when you started your degree. If you have not taken more than one semester off, use the program sheet you obtained when you declared your major. For those needing a program sheet, print off your Program Sheet(s) for your majors and minors. Keep the copies you need until you graduate.
- Faculty Advisor - An advisor can help answer questions about degree requirements and often suggest electives based on career goals. If you have declared your major you should meet with your faculty advisor - if your unsure who your advisor is check with the related academic department. The IRIS Advising Center is available to assist students who are undecided about their major or career.
Fall or Spring
That depends on each individual student situation. If you are an undergraduate student receiving full-time financial aid, you must take 12 or more credits per semester. If your goal is to finish your degree in normal time frame, it is recommended to keep an average of 15 credit hours a semester. Keep in mind your other obligations such as work, family, and the amount of study-time you have available. Consultation with your advisor is strongly recommended before overloading your schedule.
The recommended credit load for summer is no more than 6 semester hours. Full-time for financial aid is still 12 credit hours, however, most students find it in their best academic interest to file for half-time financial aid status in summer.
Some courses may require pre-requisites, co-requisites, or instructor permission as found in the course schedule and course description. Enrollment in a course is accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis until the course is full. Students should meet with an advisor prior to registration for proper course selection.
When looking at the course schedule, each course has an abbreviation such as ENGL 111 for English Composition. The number listed indicates the difficulty level of the course as noted below:
001-099 Courses designed to prepare student for college level Math, English, or Reading
100-299 Freshman and sophomore level courses
300-499 Advance undergraduate courses designed for juniors and seniors. These courses may require introductory work in the field as a prerequisite.
500-599 Courses designed primarily for graduate students.
Undergraduate students must be registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours to be considered full-time. Graduate students must be registered for a minimum of 6 credit hours.
To add yourself to the waitlist, follow the steps on the Registration Instructions page.
Once waitlisted, it is your responsibility to check your Colorado Mesa University e-mail for notification when the class opens. The system will send you an e-mail within 10 minutes of an opening if you are first on the waitlist. Prior to the first week of class, you will have 72 hours to add the class. The week before classes begin the time limit drops to 48 hours. Once class starts, you will only have 24 hours to add. If you do not take action, you will be removed from the waitlist and the seat will be offered to the next person on the list. There may be occasions when you receive the email, but you cannot add the class. This could be due to corrections, administrative processing, a faculty override, or your time limit expired. In these cases, you will need to re-add yourself to the waitlist.
Classes with labs - The Registrar's Office processes all waitlists for classes with labs due to complications when only one of the two classes opens. The open spaces are given to the first person that can successfully register for both the class and lab. The Friday before classes start, the waitlist will be cleared to best ensure open classes fill. To enroll in classes with labs the first week, a student may choose from the open sections.
By adding or waitlisting for a class, you are responsible for payment of any new tuition charges. For detailed payment/billing information please visit IRIS.
To withdraw from all classes, you must submit a Semester Withdrawal form to the Registrar's Office. The date the form is submitted to the office will dictate the refund rate and grade assigned. Check out the Important Dates page for further information on the Semester Withdraw Refund Rates.
Note: By registering for classes, you obligate yourself for full payment of tuition and fees regardless of attendance. The only way for a 100% refund of tuition and fees is to withdraw prior to the first day of classes.
This may happen for a few different reasons:
- You have been away from CMU for one semester
- Fill out a Stop Out Hold Override eform prior to registration.
- You have been away from CMU a year or longer
- Fill out a Returning Student Application online prior to registration.
- Unable to add classes in the Register for Classes link
- Check your Registration Status by clicking the 'Prepare for Registration' link. It may not be your time to register, holds may be blocking your registration, etc. View an example of the Registration Status page
- Registration Errors occur when you attempt to register
- Follow the recommendations on the Registration Errors Legend.
Contact the IRIS if you still experience registration difficulties.
When registering through MAVzone, you may run across one of these errors. We have included suggestions/alternatives to assist you in the registration process. Please view the Registration Errors and Waitlist Errors.
View our How to Register page and look for the Online Add Forms section. If you need to locate the instructor of the course you can use the Campus Directory available on the Colorado Mesa University home page.
January term offers an excellent opportunity to pick up some additional credits. It takes place in the first few weeks of January and is specifically designed for this intensive time frame. It is considered as a part of Spring term for financial aid and grading, however, the tuition structure for a January Term class may be different and could be in addition to any regular tuition and fees. You may register for a J-term class along with your other Spring classes. Final grades for January Term are posted to the transcript in May.
Individual courses may have additional fees to cover costs directly related to the course. Click here to view the list of Spring 2024 courses with additional fees. Fees are subject to change. Courses using digital course materials may have additional fees added closer to the start of the term.