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Real Talk educations programming series are designed to encourage Mavericks to engage in hard conversations that open the mind and heart. In conjunction with President Marshall’s vision for a Human Scale university, Real Talk allows Mavericks to sit down with one another to learn and discuss hard topics. The goal of the Real Talk committees are to build a better sense of belonging for all Mavericks on campus.

Real Talk Series Branches

Real Talk: Sexuality and Gender

This series focuses on developing programming to foster a culture of healthy relationships among CMU students, faculty, and staff.​ This committee aims to create a campus environment that is free from stigma and discrimination, where all students have access to accurate and comprehensive information about sexual and gender health.

Real Talk: Mental Health

This series focuses on developing programming to form a culture of compassion and support on campus, where students feel comfortable talking about mental health and seeking help when needed.​ Through innovative and research-informed approaches, we will create a campus culture that promotes healthy behaviors, fosters a sense of community and acknowledges that mental well-being and academic success are connected.​

Real Talk: Belonging

This series creates a compassionate culture centered around the basic human need of belonging. We strive to ensure that the CMU campus is an environment free from discrimination, where everyone feels valued.