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The types of examinations, or assessment of learning, vary among the Colorado Mesa University Online courses. Oftentimes, a course will require a midterm and/or final examination in addition to quizzes and exercises throughout the course. Your instructor may require that these examinations be proctored.

Colorado Mesa University supports two sites for your proctored examination. If you live near Grand Junction or Montrose, Colorado, you may take have your examination proctored at one of the two sites below:

  • Grand Junction
    Colorado Mesa University
    1100 North Ave.
    Grand Junction, CO 81501
    Houston Hall 123
    [email protected]

Colorado Mesa University Online students may have their exam for their Colorado Mesa University Online course proctored at either of these sites with no additional proctor fee. To have your exam proctored at one of these two sites, you will need to call ahead to make an appointment for your test time.

If you are unable to take exams at either of the two Colorado Mesa University sites, you may have your exam proctored at an approved site in another location. Common proctoring sites include testing centers, or Continuing Education/Extended Studies offices at nearby colleges or universities. You may also consider having your test proctored by a local notary public, education official, librarian, or clergyperson. Your relatives are not allowed to proctor exams for you. Be aware that some proctors or proctor sites may charge a fee for proctoring exams.

To have an exam proctored at another location you will need to identify your need for an external proctoring site, identify a proposed proctoring site, and if the site is approved by the instructor, request that your exam be sent to that site. To do so, complete the Examination Request Form and send it to your instructor well in advance of the exam. Keep in mind, that your instructor has the authority to approve or disapprove of the use of the proctoring site.