Kenneth King Foundation boosts Sturm-ANB Bank Mobile Learning Lab with $25,000 contribution
In October 2019, the Bringing the Future to You Sturm-ANB Bank Mobile Learning Lab tour showcased the future of mechatronics and demonstrated the potential for high-tech learning and training in rural communities. The Kenneth King Foundation responded to the tour’s success by announcing a $25,000 investment to provide operating support for the Mobile Learning Lab.
The Bringing the Future to You tour served as the inaugural road trip for the state-of-the-art facility. The first stop was in Montrose and the tour concluded in Glenwood Springs. The regional demonstration on the western slope symbolized a new era of educating rural communities in the Centennial State.
Shortly after the launch of the Mobile Learning Lab, the CMU Foundation received more good news: the Kenneth King Foundation was preparing to invest additional resources to support the project. On December 11, 2019, the Kenneth King Foundation formally announced it will contribute $25,000 to support rural education through the Mobile Learning Lab.
“The Sturm family and ANB Bank commend the generosity of the Kenneth King Foundation,” said Emily Sturm. “We are encouraged by the western slope’s reception of the Mobile Learning Lab and are pleased that others have signed on to the vision for this cutting-edge facility.”
News of the additional grant award was welcomed by CMU President Tim Foster who was not surprised by the investment.
“People at the Kenneth King Foundation have a history of making important, strategic investments when they see possibility, progress and potential for a better future,” said Foster. “They’re good at what they do and can easily spot a worthy investment like the Mobile Learning Lab. We are appreciative of Kenneth King Foundation’s support.”
In addition to creating community awareness for the Mobile Learning Lab, the tour resulted in a substantial volume of scheduling requests for the facility. The funds provided by the Kenneth King Foundation will be used to create programming to meet the strong demand for technology training in the rural communities of western Colorado.
“We are tingling with excitement at the prospect of being involved in this opportunity and I think our community is a good fit with the Mobile Learning Lab’s mission,” said Ridgway Secondary School Academic Guidance Counselor Terra Malmstrom. “We are a town of fewer than 1,000 people with limited access to resources and the ANB Bank and Sturm family mobile learning lab helps address this access issue.”
Brigitte Sundermann is the Vice President of WCCC, a Division of Colorado Mesa University and the college that is responsible for delivering programming from the Mobile Learning Lab. She said the response to the lab continues to inspire her.
“The phone continues ringing,” said Sundermann. “From Ridgway in the south to DeBeque in the North, the lab continues receiving interest. In addition to a litany of schools, businesses are also lining up to learn more about what the lab has to offer adults and workforce training. The generosity of the Kenneth King Foundation is overwhelming.”
While the community interest in the lab’s offerings was exciting for Sundermann, she hadn’t forgotten the need to have resources for operating the facility in an ongoing basis.
“That’s where the Kenneth King Foundation stepped in,” Sundermann continued. “Their investment will assist with operating costs for the lab in 2020, which will allow us to bring out the full educational potential of the mobile facility.”
The Kenneth King Foundation operates on a number of humanitarian principles that reflect the values of the late founder, Kenneth King. One of those principles is entrepreneurialism.
“Sometimes people think of business when they think of entrepreneurialism,” said Kenneth King Foundation

President Janice Fritsch. “But entrepreneurialism exists in education as well. We believe what CMU, WCCC, ANB Bank and the Sturm family are doing in mobile education is entrepreneurship in its truest form. We are pleased to support the ongoing efforts.”
Liz Meyer, the CEO of the CMU Foundation, also expressed her appreciation to the board of directors at the Kenneth King Foundation.
“In the world of philanthropy, funding projects is the rule and funding operations is the exception,” said Meyer. “Funding for ongoing operations for an out of the box project like this is helpful for the overall project start-up. The Kenneth King Foundation’s understanding of that need reveals a thoughtfulness that we greatly appreciate.”
About the King Foundation
The Kenneth King Foundation is a private, grant making organization established in 1990. Located in Denver, Colorado, the Foundation’s mission is to perpetuate and expand the humanitarian principles developed by its late founder Kenneth King. Today, the foundation supports organizations that provide basic human needs, create jobs and foster entrepreneurialism.
About ANB Bank
Across the ANB footprint, the bank has over 30 banking centers serving customers in Colorado, Wyoming, and the Kansas City metro area. Its parent company is the Sturm Financial Group, Inc., headquartered in Denver, Colorado. ANB Bank has financial strength embodied in $2.6 billion in assets, and ranks in the top 8% of banks nationwide by size and is a true community bank with an unwavering commitment to excellence. The bank helps each of its communities prosper through investment, sponsorship, philanthropy, and employee volunteerism. It is a passion ANB has for banking that makes the difference.
About the CMU Foundation
The Colorado Mesa University Foundation was established in 1961 to receive and solicit charitable gifts for the institution. Today, the Foundation has established an endowment of more than $33 million. It has over 300 named scholarships which provide more than $2.6 million in financial aid to CMU students every year.