CSCI 241 Computer Architecture and Assembly Course Syllabus


A tool for drawing schematics, doing breadboard and circuit board layout.

Simple Logic Probe

Fritzing Diagram for Logic Probe

This will allow you to see value 1=5V, 0=0V, or High Impedance. You should put the LEDs in such a way that both are on when the probe is disconnected. The green LED should be on when the probe is toched to the 0V or Ground wire, and the red LED should be on when the probe is connected to the 5V or +V supply wire.

Sign the lab sheet when your probe is working properly.

The Parts

Fritzing of the parts you have

This so you could practice designing a circuit in Fritzing. The Or gates and And gates are not using the correct part number. I did this for clarity of the schematic. Fritzing does have a 74*32 and a 74*08 but I used the individual gate kind to make diagrams show the gate not big block.

Intel OpCode table

Developer Tools
Frequency Counter Arduino
Get to Arduino Assembler Listing File
Simple Instructions
NASMDrive batch file
Emulating a Raspberry Pi

You are on you honor to no just cut and paste

Arm Opcodes
Another Arm Opcodes page
A good arm guide