HW1: R.1 12,18,28,36,38,54,58,62,84,92,96  R.2 14,30,32,62,68,88,106
HW2: R.3 62,82,84,88,96  R.4  30,40,46,50,54,64,76,78,94
HW3: R.5 24,28,40,44,46,66,70,76,82 (also give the "bad" values) 
HW4: R.6  28,30,42,46,50,52,56,64,66,74,78,106,110
HW5: R.7 38,40,48,50,64,68,70,78,90,92,94,100,102,106  1.1 14,18,22,42,44,56
HW6: 1.2 20,24,28,30,32,34,36,38,40   1.3  30,34,50,58,60,74,84,94,100
HW7: 1.4 18,36,42,48,56,62,78   1.5 22,24,32,36
HW8: 1.6 20,22,28,32,36,38,40,42,48,50,56,58,90,100,102  1.7 18,24,36,44,46,56,64,70,72,74,78
HW9: 1.8 12,18,30,38,48,52,56,58  2.1 16,22,30,34
HW10: 2.2 16,20,26,30,38  2.3  12,14,28,30,34,36,38,40,52,58,66,72,74
HW11: 2.4 14,16,22,26,44,46,50,60,64  2.5  14,16,22,36,38,46,50,54,56
HW12: 2.6 20,28,32,34   2.7  14,28,32,66,76,88
HW13: 2.8 48,54,66,70,80,82,86,98,100  3.1  26,30,32,36 (find vertex, intercepts, and graph)
HW14: 3.2 8,14,28,30,58  3.3 56,60,66,100,106,110,116
HW15: 3.4 30,36,38,42,46   3.5 64,68,72,78,86,90,96,98
HW16: 3.6 28,32,36,40,48   4.1 14,16,52,54,64,70,72,76
HW17: 4.2 44,46,48,50,52,58,60,74,78,82,84,90,92  
HW18: 4.3 22,24,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,56,58,60,62
HW19: 4.4 82,88   4.5 12,18,28,34,38,40,44,48,52,60,62,70,72,76
HW20: 4.6 10,14,18,24,28,46  5.1 20,24,34,36,48,54
HW21: 5.2 36,40,42,44  5.7  46,48,58,80,82
HW22:  5.8 22,26,28,50,52
the end

1. Is is obvious that PI is irrational?
2. Give an example to convince someone that the Distributive Property is correct.
3. "FOILing" is repeated use of what property?
4. Give an example to convince someone that a^n a^m= a^(n+m).
5. Give an example to convince someone that a^n / a^m=a^(n-m).
6. Give an example to convince someone that (a^n)^m=a^(nm).
7. Give an example to convince someone that a^(-n)=1/a^n
8. Give an example to convince someone that a^0=1
9. Square root of a squared is a...true of false, explain.
10.Why have complex numbers?
11.Give an example that might convince someone that you should flip the ineqaulity
when mulitplying by a negative.
12.Derive the quadratic formula.
13.Prove the pythagorean theorem.
14.Give an example to convince someone that the area of a rectangle is lw.
15.Show the area of a triangle is 1/2 bh.
16.Derive the distance formula for the distance from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
17.Derive the equation of a circle with center (h,k) and radius r.
18.Derive the equation of a line with pt (x1,y1) and slope m.
19.Derive the equation of a line passing through (x1,y1) with slope m.
20.What is the equation of a line passing though (x1,y1) with no slope?
21.Show that Ax+By+C=0 has a graph that is a line. (A and B not both 0)
22.Show that ax^2+bx+c = a(x+b/2a)^2 + (c - b^2/4a).
23.Why is it so great to know that ax^2+bx+c = a(x+b/2a)^2 + (c - b^2/4a)?
24.Prove the remainder when P(x) is divided by x-c is the same as P(c).
25.What sort of asymptote will a rational function have if
a)the bigger degree is on the bottom
b)the top is one degree bigger
c)the top is two degrees bigger
26.If (a,b) is on the graph of f, then what is f(a)?
27.If (a,b) is on the graph of f, then what is a point on the graph of f inverse?
28.If (a,b) is on the graph of f, then what is f inv of b?
29.In section 5.1 we are using algebra to find out what in terms
of graphs of 2 linear equations in 2 variables?
30.In section 5.1 we are using algebra to find out what in terms
of graphs of 3 linear equations in 3 variables?
31.Give 2 examples of practicle uses of exponential functions.
32.Give 2 examples of practicle uses of log functions.
33.prove the change of base formula on the bottom of page 449.
34.prove the first 3 formulas on bottom of pg 441.
35.What 2x2 matrices act like "0" and "1"
36.Give 2 properties that 2x2 matrices do not have that real numbers do